“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done
Revelation 22:12 (NIV)
We’ve had plenty of time already in 2025 to pause & ponder. The snow and ice storm gave most of us over a week to do just that. But did we do that? Maybe we just sat around complaining of all the tasks that weren’t being completed.

We could’ve been reflecting on the beauty of the falling snow and thanking God that we had a warm roof over our head.
Living by myself, I was especially grateful that my adult son, Andrew was snowed in with me for the week. Since our streets were not drivable, able-bodied Andrew walked up to a cleared main road to Uber to the grocery store. Then he walked the half mile of unplowed road back to my home.
In a past blog post, I wrote about how Jesus always has our back. HE’S GOT YOUR BACK! – MARY VARGA He certainly had my back by bringing my son over to keep me company during what could’ve been a very lonely, frustrating week. I like to think Andrew was equally blessed, as he would’ve been sitting alone at his place, So God had both our backs during the January 2025 snow storm.
I believe God gives us alone time to reflect on our life and where it’s headed. Sometimes He makes us be alone (like in a snow storm) so we can do just that. So consider next time you’re forced into being alone, that perhaps that’s just where God wants us.
I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”
Psalm 77:12 (NIV)
Perhaps that is how the Lord is speaking to you right now. That is surely one way to ponder and think about what He’s trying to do in your life.
Who knows what reward He’s trying to give us! If we believe that God is working in our circumstances, we’ll stay open to any blessing He’s trying to send us.
“I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”
Jeremiah 17:10 (NIV)
So pause & ponder what the Lord is trying to teach us during the unexpected pauses in our life. He could be sending us a mighty blessing!
Dear Lord,
Help us not to fight and resist the quiet times You give us to reflect on our lives and all the blessings you have brought us.
Let us instead, use that time You’ve given us to ponder what You want us to do next,
Thank You for using Mother Nature sometimes to show us where we need to be.
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Wonderful story, Mary! God bless Andrew and you!
Enjoyed your thoughtful message. Sometimes we need to “be still and know that I God.”
Enjoyed your thoughtful message. Sometimes we need to “be still and know that I am God.”
Mary, as always you inspired me!!
Would never think to thank the Lord for that awful weather 😱
So glad to hear Andrew was with you…for your sake as well as his!!
Thanks for this eye opener!!♥️♥️