In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.
Psalm 5:3 (NIV)
Just as an expectant mother waits eagerly for the birth of her child…so must we wait with hope for our sovereign God to fulfill His plan for our life. We all know that waiting is never easy. We want to see God’s plan NOW.
A mother-to-be prepares her child’s nursery, his/her nourishment, education, and the people that will be the examples for his/her life. They get goose bumps thinking about the precious child being brought into this world.

Just like the name of this blog….LIFE HAPPENS! When we look forward with happy expectation…we must also prepare our hearts & minds for how we’ll respond when things don’t go as we planned. Bad things will happen along with the good. That’s a part of life. How are we going to respond?
Using our new baby example…our child will get sick, cry incessantly. We’ll spend money on necessities we never had to before. (formula, baby food, babysitters, doctor’s appointments.) Maybe our child will have a chronic illness or disability? That means MORE healthcare cost.
We won’t love them any less! Yes, we’ll be disappointed, but LIFE HAPPENS. We’ll spend our time trying to figure out the best ways to give them a joyful life and make them feel important despite the burdens they have to live with.
That’s what our heavenly Father expects us to do with OUR life.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
He knows that we will face problems and unexpected hurdles. God knows our life will not go as we planned. We need to lean into Him, expecting Him to open a way for us to go. If we wait patiently, the Lord will show us which path to follow.
But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
Romans 8:25 (NIV)
Waiting is so hard! What if we go the wrong way? Surely our loving Father will get us back on the right track. Think about what we have accomplished in our life. Usually it takes us several attempts before we get it right. The God who loves us will not throw in the towel regardless of our failed attempts. He just asks us to keep seeking…keep knocking.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7 (NIV)
I have been asking, seeking, knocking to find what the Lord wants me to do with my disabled life since I had my brain injury in 1997. I have started a fitness business, published two books, and started this blog, Life Happens. I have felt His leading every step of the way. Now I want something new! Isn’t that how we all are? So I’ll just keep knocking!
Let’s all keep expecting God to show us new roads…new opportunities. Remember that with our expectant faith, all things are possible!
Dear Lord,
Help us all live with the faith of an expectant mother. We will have concerns and problems, but You remind us that every good gift comes with sacrifices. It also comes from You.
Let us follow Your lead, whether we see that in circumstances, other people or Your word.
May we live with the expectant faith of a child, believing that You put the gift in our path…or in our heart.
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Mary, Mary you are so gifted with the ability to inspire, influence and love life that you have been given !!! This blog is another great one that makes me think!!!?
Thanks for sharing!!!♥️?
Excellent message, Mary.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful insights.
Great blog, Mary. Hope to see you soon.
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