With your own eyes you saw those great trials, those signs and great wonders
Deuteronomy 29:3 (NIV)
God DOES speak to us…not in an audible voice, but in very specific circumstances in our lives. We need to be consistently looking for the signs God sends us…or He’ll just keep showing us the same lesson over and over again.
I learned this lesson the hard way a few weeks ago! I rode my TRIKE up to the UPS store to drop off a package. I don’t have the balance for a regular bike. Unfortunately, I also don’t have the balance to correct a falling TRIKE.
One of my back wheels caught the curb as I was riding up the little ramp going to the shopping center. Over I went! I was wise to protect my head with a helmet AND my hips. So I threw my arm out to stop the fall and snapped my clavicle (collar bone). I suppose that could’ve happened to anyone, BUT…
That was NOT the first fall off my bike. Two years ago, I hit a pothole as I entered a shopping center. I went over quickly. My sunglasses scraped my scalp just over my ear. That’s when I learned that scalp scrapes REALLY bleed. I was ok…but all the blood scared me. So I secured a PROPERLY -FITTING helmet from the Brain Injury Alliance of Kentucky.
My next fall was a year later in the same shopping center…same uneven pavement. This time my head was protected as I landed on my face. The scrapes & bruises changed my appearance for several weeks.
My first fall just scared me. The second fall beat my face up. The 3rd fall landed me in the hospital for 3 weeks with a broken clavicle.
I chuckled as the EMS got me settled in the ambulance. Wow! I’ve always wondered what the inside of these things look like. The only other time I’ve been in one, I was unconscious!
Unfortunately, this was not the first time I had caused my family grave concern about my wellbeing. My sister, Julie was my immediate savior this time. She lived close, so was able to get to me even before the ambulance did. Then Julie spent several hours in the Emergency Department as I waited for a room.

My TRIKE fall changed my ability to move independently; scared my family and temporarily ended my passion in life… which was teaching seniors how to be fit & move correctly. I sure could not move correctly with a broken collar bone!
Was God asking me to stay out of shopping centers? I KNOW He was telling me to stay off of uneven payment. I loved riding that TRIKE! I think I’m being taught a lesson here. The endorphin high of riding is NOT worth the cost of falling. Lesson learned Lord!
This is just an example of how the Lord may send us a warning. He also loves to send us GOOD signs!
A much more PLEASANT sign God gave me is just how much others care for me! I was astonished with the cards, flowers, gifts & food I received from friends, students & family. I believe that even in this horrible incident God was showing me just how much others care and how many lives I have touched.

The Lord sends us signs all the time. Are we listening? More importantly, are we following His lead?
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 (NIV)
Maybe the Lord was giving me a repeated warning to stay off the TRIKE. He was also showing me the impact of my actions on other people’s lives. When I was finally able to start teaching again…I think my classes were as excited as I was.

We never know how our actions and behaviors are impacting others’ lives. Our desire should always be to improve their lives and NOT just to have them think better of us.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,
Colossians 3:23 (NIV)
The dearest lesson the Lord showed me was the love and support of my son, Andrew. He has lived in a different city than me since he was 4 years old. Since January he has been living and working here in Louisville.
Andrew was at the hospital the night I arrived. He came to see me every night I was there. He filled me in on work news, family news…and he brought the AV chord from my DVD player at home to hook up movies from my laptop to the big screen in my hospital room! I am not that technologically advanced! It sure made for a more entertaining visit though!
Then Andrew moved in with me for two weeks after I returned home. I thought everyone was being overly cautious…but I sure was glad he was there! I never realized how much we cannot do without full use of one arm.
God’s signs and wonders are all around us. Sometimes He will bring us outside of our routines and comfort zones. We might be missing valuable lessons is we try to ignore His promptings!
Dear Lord,
Thank You for saving me from breaking more than my collarbone! I’ve been a fall-risk for over 25 years. Thank You for all the other falls You’ve protected me from.
Thank You also for showing me through this accident just how much others want me to have a functioning, independent life. I am truly humbled by others’ concern for me. Thank You for giving me so many signs!
I promise to not ever give up. Because of Your signs & promptings though, I also promise to slow down a little. Please prompt us to always look for Your hand in our lives.
Thanks for always having my back!
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Unfortunately I do not have ur support
God Bless that you gave that support
Check your records Deborah. I have supported you! Please use my email at [email protected] for any replies. My public blog is no place for this discussion. 🙂
Mary, I am so thankful you are doing well. A fall is always scary. You looked beautiful at the reunion