Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6  (NIV)


Let me tell you a story of how life  happened to me these last few weeks. Then you can join me in praising God for answering our fervent prayers!

I have been leading senior exercise classes since 2010. One of my favorite places to teach just permanently closed their doors. I have been calling and texting and emailing, trying to find a new home for our classes. It’s been beyond frustrating!

I finally found a church that was willing to host both of our classes. Only problem was they only had folding chairs to provide us. Those are not stable enough for an exercise class. Where could I find affordable stackable chairs? And where was I going to store them?

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 Peter 4:10  (NIV)

I have always believed that my fitness business (SilverStrength®) was a calling from God. Perhaps He wanted me to go in a different direction now. I was so confused! Please lord! Show me what you want me to do.

That was my prayer as I was walking up to noon services at my church. I didn’t have a class that morning anymore. I might as well do something else valuable with my time.

I reached the church at the same time another friendly stranger did. He was obviously faster than I was on my walker and reached the locked church door before me. Since Mass was cancelled that day…we spoke for a few minutes. At that point, I hadn’t yet found a place for my classes. He offered to call some of his contacts to help me find a place.

After several texts back and forth, I still couldn’t find a home for my classes. A few days later, when I finally got a nearby church that would host us…I encountered the next hurdle of no chairs.

That’s when that friendly stranger stepped up. (I now consider him a friend!) He contacted a friend in the catering business…and they purchased the 20 chairs I needed. They even made arrangements to have them delivered directly to the church. I was relieved, happy and stunned!

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28  (NIV)

I shouldn’t have been stunned though. I have seen God come through for me so many times in my life. I pray that God shows His favor to my new friend AND his friend in the catering business. They have not only done a priceless favor for me, but for all my class members as well.

Why did me new friend do this for me? In our texting back and forth, he told me that he goes to church to chat with God. The day we met outside of church, he told me that God chatted with him. What an amazing testimony of how God does His best work through other people! And what a generous, selfless kindness my new friend showed to me!

And that is why I call them my MIRACLE CHAIRS. Now all of my class members will be able to gather with the same folks they’ve been accustomed to exercising with…on the same days, and at the same time. We’ve become like a family in the last few years. We’ll all easily become acquainted with our new church home. And God bless them too for opening their doors to us!

I frequently find myself telling others that God has my back. Jesus has all of our backs if we but put our faith in Him. (See  Jesus most certainly had my back in this dilemma!

We all need a Father and a Savior we can cry out to we find ourselves needing new chairs in our life. Whatever is happening in your life, God is there. Pray to Him for direction…then EXPECT Him to show up in ways we couldn’t even imagine.


Dear Lord,

You always have our back. Help us cling to that when life seems unsure and we don’t know which way to turn. Remind us always to turn to You first for guidance and direction.

Others are a part of Your family as well. When they try to help us, remind us that You are behind the scenes making a straight path for ALL involved.

Thank You for loving us all so much!