So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Luke 11:9 (NIV)
This is actually more of a request than a blog post.
It’s uncomfortable to ask others for favors. We don’t want to put them on the spot. We don’t want to seem needy or incompetent. It would be easier to just do it ourselves!
How do we feel when others ask us for something? I am personally very flattered when someone asks me for something…even if they’re just seeking my opinion. I’m sure that’s because others rarely do…other than my son
“Mary has enough on her plate. Don’t bother her with this.” Like all of us, I like feeling needed by others. Don’t we all like feeling useful? So don’t be afraid to ask! We make others feel important when we do.
For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Luke 11:10 (NIV)
Now I want to do some asking, seeking and knocking myself. We never know where the greatest ideas will come from!
Below is a link to a 4-minute video created for me to publicize my fitness business, SilverStrength®. It’s made up of excerpts from a video shown every Fall at the Brain Ball to explain my brain injury and what I’ve been able to do to live a fuller life.
I’m asking my blog subscribers if you have a parent or friend who attends a senior club or senior center that might be interested in a weekly exercise class. The name of my class is Strength & Balance. We all need more of both of these attributes as we age to stay active and independent!
If you have any ideas for me please contact me at [email protected]. That email is also at the end of the video.
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
John 15:16 (NIV)
Remember that one of the finest and choicest ways to honor God is to help His children.
Those children can be seniors too!

Dear Lord,
Your holy Word tells us that You actually order our steps. We also know that You work through other people. If we believe this…then why is it so hard to ask others?
No man is an island unto himself. We NEED each other. That’s the way You designed us.
After consulting You…please give us the courage to ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK.
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Powerful stuff! The blog & video were inspirational. Thank you for sharing.
Gil Stein
Thanks Gil!